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Testing of Paperless Freight Transport from Estonia to Poland Begins

Testing of the digital trade route between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland started yesterday!

The cross-border electronic consignment note (e-CMR) indexing scheme has been developed by DIGINNO-Proto project team to make freight information visible in real-time and available to the authorized controlling agencies. Once the e-CMR document is created, it can be shared electronically with the necessary authorities or business partners.

The project countries will try to use real-time freight information to reduce paperwork in the road transport sector and unjustified downtime during the roadside checks. With the prototype, it is no longer necessary to stop the vehicle, as the load can be controlled by just entering the truck and trailer registration number to the system. The goal of testing is not only to verify the possibility of cross-border information exchange but also to prove the benefits to all parties in the supply chain through practical experience.

“European Regulation on Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) has started life as EU law from 20 August 2020. After four years, the information flow between business and authorities will become mandatory in the EU”, said DIGINNO-Proto project manager Inna Nosach. “In close cooperation with neighboring countries, already today we can offer a workable data exchange model, based on innovative blockchain technology. We believe that with the prototype we can make better-considered decisions for eFTI implementation in the Baltic Sea Region and our experience will be interesting to other Member States and partnerships facing similar challenges”, she added.

DIGINNO-Proto is DIGINNO spin-off project, launched under the leadership of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and 100% funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The contractual partner for prototype development is the Lithuanian company FITEK EDI. The result of the project will be distributed under a free-software license.


Lead Partner

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia

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