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Join the Virtual Conference on Digital Innovation Network

In light of concerns around COVID-19, a decision has regretfully been taken to held dissemination event on Digital Innovation Network virtually. It will take place online on 10 June at 10 o'clock (CET), at 11 o'clock (EET). The event will concentrate on DIGINNO initiatives on cross-border services, mainly on concept, integration, and realization of Know Your Customer (KYC) and Electronic CMR (e-CMR). The duration of the event is approximately two hours.

Current know your customer (KYC) process is suffocating the economy, e.g. data exchange is slow and fragmented between different entities and non-existent across borders. The state has most of the data needed to conduct KYC, but it is not accessible to the obliged entities. Billions of euros are spent on conducting KYC, but this outcome and work is not shared and made again and again by other obliged entities. Rainer Osanik, DIGINNO KYC showcase leader and Idea Lead in Accelerate Estonia will introduce the vision of KYC utility and discuss challenges and possible solutions on how to make vision to a real solution.

Despite the ongoing uptake of digitization in the transport sector, almost 99% of all cross-border transport operations in the EU still involve paper-based Consignment note (CMR) at one or another stage of the operation. Inna Nosach from the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications will present the challenges of implementing e-CMR and introduce the purpose and activities of the DIGINNO-Proto project. The development of a working e-CMR index data exchange prototype between Baltic countries and Poland will be presented by Greta GelgotaitÄ— from Lithuanian company FITEK EDI.

Please find additional information here.


Please register here. Registration will be closed on the 5th of June. Link to the event will be sent to the participants after the registration.


Lead Partner

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia

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