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AI on our streets and manufacturing – reality check at Industry 4.0 conference in Tallinn

Already 5th Industry 4.0 in Practice Conference took place at Tallinn, Estonia at the Innovation and Business Centre Mektory on 29th of May 2019. The conference was targeted to decision-makers and experts in the Baltic Sea Region.

Around 250 participants from manufacturing, information and communication technology, governmental and public sector, universities and knowledge-based industries gathered in Tallinn to explore the opportunities of AI and Machine Learning in Industry 4.0.

Practical use cases of Industry 4.0 principles in manufacturing were introduced: autonomous vehicles on our streets, using data science and AI on workbench, examples of digitalisation in Estonian manufacturing companies, the importance of secure connectivity in IoT, how to work smarter and manufacture smart way etc.

Conference was organized by TalTech, Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL), Estonian Electronics Industries Association, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) and technology companies, like CISCO, Microsoft, Ericsson, Siemens, Tieto, Tartu City, Eliko and Monitor; also University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science.

Conference materials, presentations and photo gallery:

Photo credit: Joanna Jõhvikas


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Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia

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