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Overview of Industry 4.0 in Practice 2018 conference in Tallinn

300 attendees, 21 partners and exhibitors and 11 great speakers at Industry4.0 in Practice conference. Watch the short video summary and enjoy the atmosphere!

Industry 4.0 in Practice conference in Tallinn, Estonia, is over. Around 350 participants from all over the world participated, new ways of thinking were introduced. Presentations of our wonderful presenters - top specialists from the industry 4.0 - and photo gallery are available now on conference webpage:

The conference was targeted to decision makers and experts in Baltic Sea Region (DIGINNO network countries) on following areas: manufacturing, info and communication technology, governmental and public sector, universities and knowledge based industries. Organisers were ITL, Estonian Electronics Industries Association, Enterprise Estonia, Tallinn University of Technology and DIGINNO. Partners of the conference were Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Tallinn, ABB, Telia, Siemens, Vertica, Cisco, BCS, Helmes, Tallinn city, Tartu Science Park.


Lead Partner

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia

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