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Seminar "How to digitalization can support SME’s business processes"

In Diginno project under the WP2 “Industry 4.0 - Digital Transformation of Industry” we aim to increase innovation capacity of industrial SMEs for that we want to raise their awareness about digitalization benefits and opportunities.

Estonian partner ITL started with awareness raising activities and organized seminar for SME’s in Rakvere: „How to digitalization can support SME’s business processes“. In this seminar Diginno project were introduced together with Estonian ICT Cluster companies who presented different possibilities how to start with digitalization in their organization.

WP2 leas Doris Põld presented Industry 4.0 main points and benefits together with Diginno project introduction. After that Estonian ICT Cluster partners presented six concrete success cases how digitalization have supported SME’s business processes and what have been the concrete benefits.

Seminar show us that these kind off events are very much needed and especially in local counties not always only in capital cities as SME’s are everywhere and their capability to know newest trends or be able to build up their own digitalization strategies is lower and needs to be supported.


Lead Partner

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia

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