What is our challenge?
In the European Commission’s strategy for Europe 2020, the digital economy and a digital single market (DSM) are highlighted as drivers of future innovation, competitiveness, and growth. Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries are frontrunners in many aspects of the digital economy. At the same time, BSR countries are facing similar challenges in the digital area.
With DIGINNO we are focusing on three challenges:
promoting uptake of ICT in the business sector,
developing innovative digital public services and
facilitating DSM related policy discussions on BSR level.
These challenges can be tackled through strengthening the macro-regional knowledge base (e.g information sharing, studies), exchange of experience and mutual learning, designing and piloting transnational digital solutions and conducting policy and regulatory dialog.
DIGINNO's main outputs:
Company digitalization toolkit for SMEs
4 show-case models of G2B cross-border e-services (incl. feasibility analyses and proofs of concept)
Policy recommendations White Paper
+ as an important output:
An informal but active cross-sectoral BSR industry digitalization community
2017 - 2020
Total budget EUR 3,5 million, incl.
ERDF EUR 2,8 million
From partners EUR 0,7 million
Interreg BSR programme:
14 full partners
10 associated partners
Lead Partner
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia
Reet Reismaa, Project Coordinator
Work packages
WP2 Lead Partner
Estonian Association of Information
Technology and Telecommunications
Doris Põld, Cluster Manager
WP3 Lead Partner
RÅ«ta Šatrovaite, Head of the cross-border e-services development
WP4 Lead Partner
Aalborg University
Torben Aaberg, Interregional Programme Manager